20 oktober 2005

Bâche (Les Ballets C. de la B.) (Warande - 19/10/2005)

Les Ballets C. de la B. is er opnieuw in geslaagd om een uiterst boeiende dansproductie op de planken te brengen. Ditmaal in een choreografie van Koen Augustijnen. Vier dansers op het podium rond het concept 'angst'. De muzikale omlijsting wordt verzorgd door Guy Van Nueten en contratenor Steve Dugardin, die zeemzoete liederen van Henry Purcell ten berde brengt. Deze productie verveelt geen moment en wervelt, slaat, zalft en prikkelt zoals enkel echte kunst dat kan.

Lees onder andere deze lovende recentie : "True to form, Les Ballets C de la B allows us another glance into its abstract world where images of cruelty and tenderness, violence and poignance go hand in hand. Its new work, Bache, choreographed in house style by Koen Augustijnen, is a search for moments of tenderness, beauty and intimacy in a brutal, aggressive world - standard themes for this seminal Belgian company. We see the usual flashes of choreographic brilliance amidst unbearable acts of cruelty and although it might seem like more of the same, it is a treat to see it nevertheless. The all-male cast of 4 dancers play at hard physical labour in some kind of heavy industry setting as a falsetto singer (Steve Dugardin) crops up amidst the sweating and grunting to soothe the macho vibe with his beautiful, soothing voice. One troubled individual, solitary and detached from the others, waltzes with gravity as his partner - back arched, head thrown upwards, contorting and squirming - wrenches his muscles in a display of raw human anguish. He is made to react and move by the others without them actually touching him, indicating the indirect forces of manipulation in our every day lives. They pile themselves up to be trodden on before hitting an almost Stalinist montage of human strength, much like the thick booted white statue whose feet we see peeping out from under the tarpaulin set. The effortlessly charming Ted Stoffer and brilliant Tayeb Benamara - who breakdances to Purcell - head up the multi-talented cast. Their performance embraces humour and poignance, risk and exhilaration. Even sticking to the company’s tried and tested format, they manage to keep their work new, exciting and real."

Les Ballets C. de la B.

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